About the Journal

Theology and Philosophy of Education (TAPE) is an open-access journal for discussing different aspects of the theology of education and philosophy of education. TAPE seeks to provide a platform on which there is an opportunity for sharing perspectives concerning the topics and problems connected with philosophy, theology, education, and their respective interconnection and cooperation. The journal seeks to contribute to opening further horizons of thought and spark discussion by encountering various ideas, both mutually interacting and mutually contending, thereby uncovering and elucidating possible ways and solutions of discussed phenomena. Thus, it is to be a place (ἀγορά) free for developing and discussing ideas. TAPE desires to contribute to shaping the dialogue between theology, philosophy, and approaches in education. Its quest is to help disseminate contributions that testify to the actual thinking of the education fundaments and thus participate in the development of such reasoning, perception of reality, and reflection of orientation, which may help teachers and educators in their mission.

All papers (articles) submitted to Theology and Philosophy of Education are subject to blind review by two reviewers. The journal actively checks for plagiarism in each submitted paper. Reviewers are independent of the authors, i.e., not affiliated with the same institution. A minimum of one of the reviewers is external (i.e., not a member of the editorial board). In TAPE, each peer reviewer plays a vital and significant part in the peer-review process. All our reviewers must conduct peer reviews in an ethical and responsible manner recommended by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All our editors respect COPE guidelines for the best publication ethics practice.

We apply the platinum (diamond) open-access model. The journal does not charge article processing charges (APC = 0). Submission charge: 0. 

Date of foundation: January 20, 2022

Publishing periodicity: semi-annually.

Copyright notice: TAPE is an open-access journal: By submitting a text, authors agree with its publication and accept the open access policy. We apply Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The authors hold the copyright without restrictions.

ISSN 2788-1180