Hope in Education as Hope in Love



education, metanoia, challenge to education, openness, friendship, love, harmony, hope


Theology and Philosophy of Education is a journal dedicated to education. However, in what respect does it deal with education? What is the situation of current education? What is the main role of the school today? All articles from the first issue of the third volume of the journal Theology and Philosophy of Education are presented.


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Author Biography

Zuzana Svobodová, Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine, Czech Republic

Charles University, The Third Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ethics and Humanity Studies

Charles University, Hussite Theological Faculty, Department of Pedagogy

Jabok – the Institute of Social Pedagogy and Theology, Department of Theology and Philosophy


Aristotle. 1999. Politics. Translated by Benjamin Jowett. Ontario: Batoche Books, Kitchener.

Heidegger, Martin. (1971) 2001.“The Thing.” In Poetry, Language, Thought. Translated and introduction by Albert Hofstadterp. New York: Harper & Row.

O’Donohue, John. 2007. Benedictus. A Book of Blessings. London: Bantam Press.

Plato. 1969. “Republic.” In Plato in Twelve Volumes. Vols. 5 & 6 translated by Paul Shorey. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd.




How to Cite

Svobodová, Zuzana. 2024. “Hope in Education As Hope in Love”. Theology and Philosophy of Education 3 (1):1–4. https://www.tape.academy/index.php/tape/article/view/51.